An underwaterearthquake measuring five points on the Richter scale occurred near the island of Crete last month.
Scientists are trying to better understand undersea quakes, and in order to do so, they're creating an underwaterearthquake observatory.
Scientists are trying to better understand undersea quakes, and in order to do so, they're creating an underwaterearthquake observatory off the east coast.
Geologists have been probing New Zealand's largest earthquake fault and have installed two underwaterearthquake observatories to try and understand slow slip or 'silent' earthquakes.
Underwaterearthquake observatories have been established in three other places in the world, Saffer says.
Uso de submarine earthquake en inglés
They therefore came to the conclusion that the shaking had been caused by a submarineearthquake, such as often takes place in that volcanic region.
Teredos weaken them, submarineearthquakes, and carelessly dropped anchors from fishing vessels.